Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Warfare/Welfare State

A British MP notes the 100th anniversary of the British social security system, noting...
On December 16 1911, the National Insurance Act received royal assent. It was the well-intentioned Act that destroyed the friendly societies and entrenched state welfare.
Well, yes, there were plenty of social welfare systems before the government got invlved, and prior to this, when government got involved, revolution followed.  The French Revolution came about in part because the French kings raided the tontines, the private old age pension plans that grew spontaneously among people.

He calls the act well-intentioned.  I think you have to look at the ideas of the people behind the movements to decide if they are well intentioned.  The acts may well suit those who intend the results, but the people behind the acts may have particularly odious ideas.

The obligations of the welfare state cannot be met, but they will pretend to do so until the no longer can.  then there will be a new crisis to manage.  What fun.

Greece, which may be the future of us all, is in dire economic straits.  Greece is the number two customer for German arms, everything from fighter jets to submarines.  And who is the number one customer for German arms?  Why, that other basket-case, Portugal!  No matter how bad the situation, pharmacies with no aspirin, they still buy their fighter jets!

If they ahve no money, how do they buy the jets.  Well, all that talk of bailouts for Greece?  USA taxpayer money will go to Greece so they can buy German jets.  That is how the world works.  You voted for it.

Greece has plenty to fear from Turkey, or not.  In any event, with all of its problems, it still loads on up military gear.  No doubt the people who spend the money get something in return, but that is just standard government.

The two parties in the USA agree on this system, and take turns at the wheel ruining the country.  Election fraud is rampant in USA, and violence only leads to worse conditions.  The solution is individuals seceding in place.  Don't use the state, don't need the state, look to alternatives, get self-employed, ride this out, pass on independence to your kids.