Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Competition as Market Regulation

Anarchists are not against government, just against fraud and violence, which states claim is their right.  As long as government is voluntary, then fine.  There is plenty of government in anarchy, for example, in a free market, competition regulates the market, and provides a kind of government of peoples behaviour.

From my book, How Small Business Trades Worldwide, a reader writes...

Pg.129 shows your experience in a trade show. You had a better display, selection and "lower prices" and "all items in stock"
... therefore you had stock at lower prices before you got customers....
 ...to which I replied -

*** That is an example of beating someone who thought they had an exclusive.  Believing they had an exclusive, they sought to burn their customers by charging too much.  In a free market, your competitors will protect your customers from you. Competition is the only regulation a market needs.***