Saturday, March 17, 2012

Blame The Jews

No one in polite society actually says "Jews" but when the financial crisis is discussed and perpetrators criticized ... it is Goldman Sachs, Greenspan, Bernanke, Geitner, Blankfein, Cohn, Paulson, Summers, Rubin, not to mention Madoff, and so on.

And to be sure any article that allows comments certainly features plenty of blaming of the Jews.

What?  Rockefeller, Gates and Buffet had nothing to do with what is going on?  Jews control the financial world by means of a vast conspiracy?  Really?  Hasn't that been always said?  If so, how come in every other time in history economic crises turn out very badly for the Jews? How does it turn out badly for them if they are in charge? Or is this time it is different?

When Michael Lewis wrote Liar's Poker to explain just how wicked the practices were on Wall Street and the utter abuse of the USA investor, he hoped to effect some change and improvement by his expose.  He was perplexed to get an overwhelming number of letters from the best and brightest at Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, Yale... Christians all, inquiring as to how they could get such jobs themselves.

Getting Jews to do tax-farming has a long tradition in the West.  A Jewish face on oppression makes life easier for a Prince.

Mustn't be naive and think no Jew would so jeopardize other Jews. Just like the Irish and the Turks and the Japanese and the Bantus any other group, there are always those who will sell their own tribe down the river for fame, prestige and fortune.  And there are plenty of Jews who will gladly front the desires of the wicked capitalists who do not want to take the blame when the exploitation comes crashing down.  Where would Warren Buffet be without his Jewish bankers doing his bidding?

If it is to be different this time, how about we do not blame the Jews this time?  Let's see how the patterns and practices of capitalism are inherently evil, and reorder our patterns and practices to inhibit the concentration of power that motivates the powers that be?  Let's prove USA is exceptional.

The English threw the Jews out for 400 years (they were the first to mark Jews with a yellow star) and they had the exact same problems without the Jews.  It ain't the Jews that are the problem, it is the ideas.  And the ideas aren't Jewish, they are human.  And it is not unique to Judaism that Jews sell Jews down the river.  We all do it.  Time to admit it and withdraw our consent to be governed by the state, and engage in voluntary association.