Friday, March 16, 2012

Food Borne Illness Imports

Government Workers Make Bid For More Budget. The War Street Journal is dedicated to the expansion of the state so you can count on it to duly report anything emanating from a government office.  Here is a call for more inspectors, due to the rising "problem" of foodborne illness within imported foods.

"There's a lot of room for improvement," Ms. Schlunegger said. "We need to see more inspections, more consistent inspections."

Well, the idea that inspectors can inspect is absurd, as I have covered before.

Further, it is pretty clear the FDA taints imports itself to enhance its budget, in one of the worst cases ever recorded.

I am an importer.  If you want to deal with imported food-borne illness, then courts should view the importer as the responsible party.  See how long the problem lasts.  AS it stands now, since the government "inspects" food, people at once trust the food is safe and importers can avoid the cost of maintaining safety standards as well.  Bad results all around.  Government gets bigger and less effective.

This is similar to airlines letting the TSA handle passenger safety.  Any airline cooperating with the TSA should go out of business, bankrupt, with all of their stockholders wiped out, and the employees all losing their pensions.  They deserve it for abandoning their customers to gate-grope and 4th amendment violations.  If we had a free market, airlines would handle security themselves, and air travel would be safe.  But airlines are protected form market forces, and are bailed out like banks.

What we get now is theatre and ponzi-economics.  We need freedom.  More government is not the solution, it is the problem.