Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bolshevism, Ex Im Bank and the Holocaust

From a US Senator:

“I would love a world without ex-im banks, but that world does not exist,” Graham said.

The reason is that US Senators keep voting for it.  And the news media repeats nonsense statistics to support the government that controls them.  If Ex Im bank is a self-supporting, money making organization, how come it is necessary the government be involved?  The Ex Im Bank is not a self-supporting, money making organization.  It is another bank bailout program.

Another claim is the Ex Im Bank helps small businesses.  Really?  How about small competitors of Boeing?  In USA big business writes rules that crush small business, to keep competition out.  If Ex Im Bank helped small businesses, it would help a small business beat Boeing at overseas contracts.

The best way to help small business get export contracts is to get rid of the regs that crush USA small business, get rid of export controls, and free our economy.  Welfare queens like Boeing would fail, but 20 airplane makers, 5 of which would be the best in the world, would save our economy.

The Ex-Im Bank was created in 1934 to bolster Soviet Communism, by US taxpayer guarantee of exports from the USA.  The guarantees were necessary because no private entity would back such a risky venture, nor did people want to materially support a regime by that time had murdered 5 million Ukrainians.  We helped save and legitimize the Bolsheviks.

That the Bolsheviks had murdered 5 million of their own subjects was well known to the Germans by 1933, and USA recognition and support of the Bolsheviks was one contributing factor to Hitler's elections and success, since Germans feared the Bolsheviks would do to Germans what the Bolsheviks had done to the Ukrainians next door.  The rest, as they say, is history.

The value of a jet is selling the seats.  To sell the jet is to give up the value.  Let Boeing lease the jets (in fact where ExIm will not subsidize, Boeing does lease), not sell them (indeed, there are plenty of 3rd party entities that buy from Boeing to in turn lease the jets to airline companies).

Ex Im Bank is just one of countless programs that at once burden the taxpayer and deny finance to worthy projects by misdirecting assets to unworthy projects.  Get rid of it.

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