Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spain Is Our Future

Something has to give... In Spain, unemployment is nearly 24% and 57% of the govt budget goes to handouts.  It is said that which cannot go on will eventually end.

History shows it does not really end,  states change the topic by starting wars.  Wars destroy the excess productive capacity, breaks all agreements, so prices can fall and the process can start again from scratch.  By killing off some 50 million people, destroying countless factories, changing various regimes, we had some economic progress after WWII.

The way around that is freedom.  There is no possible way for Spain to recover without the Spanish people free to make things and sell them.  Too many rules and regulations for that to happen.  Spain has seen this before, when under Roman oppression Spaniards escaped to the anarchy of the Islamic "invaders."  In time, the Moslem rulers became oppressive so Spaniards escaped to the anarchy of the Christian invaders.   Often we escape to anarchy, correctly defined, as "no king (state)."  Or at least a much less oppressive state.

We will not recover in USA because the policies are overwhelmingly aagainst small business start-up, especially in manufacturing.  What are our young doing today?  Working in "information industries," financial services, and playing video games?  None of that produces anything.  Unless we have a manufacturing renaissance, we are sunk.

And there is no government policy that can foster this, except for government to dismantle itself.  That cannot happen.  So, get self employed, the ultimate defensive position, and get ready to ride out whatever is coming our way.

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