Monday, May 28, 2012

Can Dance Moves Be Copyrighted?

It is starting, as is explained here...  clearly in the video we see Beyonce borrowed some moves... but where did the original artist get her ideas?  Even if the Belgian choreographer did not sue Beyonce, a mere website making the comparison in the article would have made the Belgian's career.  Why convert all business problems into legal problems?  Whereas without a lawsuit, the Belgian would have admiration and attention.  Now she has disapproval and attention.  The former is where the real money is.

Here are a few top dancers - Brown is distinct, Jackson innovative and Prince creative.  Jackson clearly steals from Fosse and Dick van Dyke.  But they all play off each other. Can you imagine these artists not being able to work because the government says someone else owns moves their body can make when they dance?  Can you imagine that our government can jail us, not to mention the artist, for paying to see artists work?  Thank goodness the evil of copyrights has gone no further in dance, hopefully we'll live to see the world rid of this evil in every field.

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