Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ExImBank Roundup

Although I've been long aware that "journalism" today is a matter of being on the PR distribution list for a government agency, cut and paste the content into an article and then slap a byline on it.  All over America "journalists" are writing the same story, surprisingly like the ExIMBank press releases.

I should be fair, each writer does emphasize one point of the original release, which I suppose takes some creativity.

So lets see...

North Dakota -
“It’s very good for us. If you’re not guaranteed financing, you don’t want to risk producing a product for a foreign country and then find out the money is not available,” said Boer. “We’re just very pleased that it was passed because it allows us to be more competitive in the international market.”

Sure beats having to do your job, and use letters of credit to get paid.

New York -
The Export-Import Bank “is one of the only tools manufacturers in the United States have to counter hundreds of billions of dollars in export financing that foreign governments offer to their exporters,” the National Association of Manufacturers said in a letter to senators.

O, they have another tool.  And that is buy up what is dumped into USA market and distribute it themselves, making money.   Next detail their excess productive capacity in next step up higher order needful things.  Naw, this is America, just take welfare if confronted with the slightest challenge.

Washington -
Senate reauthorizes Ex-Im Bank in victory for exporters

That should be "Senate reauthorizes Ex-Im Bank in victory for Some exporters, at expense of others."

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