Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jury Nullification and You!

In another exceptionally indecent act, FBI agents lied to an old man in an attempt to trap him in violation of a federal law.  Subsequently, federal prosecutors attempted to have the old man imprisoned, in essence for life.  The crime?  Teaching the ancient law on jury nullification.
"No legal system could long survive if it gave every individual the option of disregarding with impunity any law which by his personal standard was judged morally untenable," they said.
Here is the problem.    We've always had jury nullification.  With jury nullification, the system has lasted a long time.  The prosecutors are either evil or stupid for saying this.  I think evil, since obviously the old man was not disregarding with impunity any law which by his personal standard was judged morally untenable, and jury nullification does not provide for anyone disregarding with impunity any law which by his personal standard was judged morally untenable; it provides for that ultimate judge in our USA constitutional system, an entire jury of citizens, to disregard with impunity any law which by its personal standard was judged morally untenable.  That is precisely the check on the state the architects of our constitution had in mind.

It is not jury nullification that is a threat to our system, but systematic abuse by state functionaries of the criminal justice system.

That people sworn to uphold the constitution would try subvert the constitution to imprison a man in essence for life for attempting to teach the constitution shows just how corrupt the FBI and federal prosecutors have become.  Add jury nullification to the list of ways that the USA is unique, and the state wants to eliminate:

Conscientious objection.

Posse Comitatus

Bounty hunting

habeas corpus

free markets

pro se court appearance

federal tax exemption

state tax exemption

freedom to contract

freedom of religion


private attorneys general

stand your ground laws

right to arm

freedom of press

freedom to travel

property rights

among others....

Each and every one of these is under assault by state minions.  In the degree any of these cause you to squirm a bit, is the degree to which you have been socially conditioned to hate your freedom.

Happily one federal judge knocked all those wicked boys on the state payroll back into line.  Atta girl, Kimba!  And here is one good ex-federal prosecutor talking about you running afoul of federal law, entitled Three Felonies a Day (what you commit just by being alive).

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