Sunday, May 27, 2012

Visiting Trade Shows From Home has something called, a push service for businesses, I suspect mostly small businesses.  It is heartening to see all of the he companies and products.  Since it feature so many products so often,  it is like walking through a trade show.

You see so many products that are like other products, says shoes, but are competing on design.  You see so many ides, you may get your own, plus you cans see what is being done and therefore, you should not do it.

I suspect these are also overstocks, so the prices may be low, but in any case you can check right there on line for the other prices and get a sense of what such products do sell for, at retail.  Well, Amazon says $190, normally $950. A men's version sells at NM for $1095, so $950 sounds about right.

Amazon should be tighter on its inclusions though, because I have seen claims made with these occasionally that cannot be true.  I have no doubt Amazon would back up any complaint 100%.

This service is too new to figure out its impact, but I don't think it will do much but help makers be better at getting production right to meet demand.  The other thing is we cannot have an economic recovery without falling prices, and these represent falling prices. Good on!

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