Saturday, June 2, 2012

Icebergs Shred Our Starboard!

If living within your means is austerity, then I guess we will have to have austerity, at some point.  What is happening now is living within ones means, subtracting out payments to the bankers for their errors, is getting more and more austere, downright spartan.

The longer we wait, the bigger the debt we build up,  the less options for getting out we have.

When the most creative people know the Soviets have crossed the city limits, they tend to party.  The biggest problem on a sinking warship is defending the liquor cabinet.  When all hope is lost, party on!

Get away from a sinking ship, because it will pull you under long enough to drown you.  The scene in Titanic where the fellow strove to be standing on the last rail to enter the water (and thus most downdraft had expired) is plausible in itself, but try getting there.  Much easier to grab a bunch of things that float and get off and away.

There is no better lifeboat than self-employment.  It will float.

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Anonymous said...

All accounts of first explorations (am reading Blue Latitudes, about Captain Cooks voyages 1768-80) report native peoples as healthy and happy (with no modern conveniences). Cook reflects in his journals that they are much happier than the 'civilized' English and was greatly saddened when he saw the effects contact with 'civilization' had on them. It's good to be free.