Thursday, July 12, 2012

How To Succeed In Hong Kong

So an Italian starts a shoe company in Italy.  He becomes so well known in Italy and around the world, people in Hong Kong knock him off.  That is all he needs to hear.  What to do about it?  Hire a lawyer?  Complain to the authorities? No. Open a store selling the real thing in Hong Kong.

If you were socially conditioned in USA, you have no idea how to compete.  You were taught to convert all business problems to legal problems, so that the state workers (lawyers) can shake you down.

Never call a lawyer for business advice.  If someone threatens you with a lawsuit, say "You can always sue me.  Right now we have a business problem.  If you call a lawyer, you'll make it a legal problem.  Sit, talk the problem over with me.  If you do not like what I propose, then you can still always sue me."

I heard a lawyer once say "I know we reached a good deal when both parties walk away equally unhappy."  The difference in business is both people walk away with a smile.

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