Thursday, July 12, 2012

Object To Vaccination & Inoculation

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The argument is those who do not get vaccinated put the rest of us at risk, because if there is a nasty disease, we who are not vaccinated will catch it and spread it.

Nonsense, another example of social conditioning.  Vaccinations and inoculations can be good and useful in certain circumstances.    But not in mass application.  The first line of defense is a strong immune system, and that is a result of good diet and exercise.

I've addressed this topic before, but what is new is slowly the state wants to make it so there is no exception.  This from the people who told blacks they were being treated for syphilis, when they were not.  This from a country where the president can secretly order medical experiments on unwitting populations.  If and when some of those Tuskegee people are tried for their crimes against humanity, then perhaps there may be some check of medicine as politics.

Where did I get my views?  Talking to doctors over 40 years ago about it.  Problem is, today, there are extremely few doctors left that bother with basic science.  They have become assembly line workers, and the field now attracts assembly line workers.

What we need is unregulation of medicine.  Our country would grow and overall health improve. At a minimum the state needs to be denied access to medicine policy.

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