Friday, August 17, 2012

Christianity & Slavery

I must challenge the idea that the elimination of slavery was a triumph of Christian consciousness and effort.  That slavery would be "outlawed" is in itself suspect, because name any other time the Government made things better by laws.  The only just laws are private law, such as the law merchant and common law. The part that makes me suspicious is timing: just as the industrial revolution, and usury-based business emerged, slavery as private chattel became illegal.  This should cause any observer of human affairs to say "Wait a minute..."

Just as business and the warfare state began to form alliances  (East India Company), and rewrite laws changing property rights protecting exploitation, and the usurers were unleashed to lend credit as money, and with fractional reserve at that, then who needed slavery to get the maximum exploitation of mankind?  Following Darwin, by these new means the elimination of the races to be exterminated is hastened.

Harvard Professor Orlando Patterson lifelong review of slavery is distilled in this book Slavery & Social Death.  In it, after reviewing slavery in all times and places, comes up with s a definition:

Slavery is the permanent, violent domination of natally alienated and generally dishonored persons.

He then goes on to posit various iterations of slavery against this standard, to enlightening effect.

Truly slavery as practiced in USA met this definition in its harshest sense.    And slaves as personal property was outlawed in USA after the Civil War.

But the Bible teaches when one demon is cast out Seven return to take its place.  And truly, with the 13th amendment to the US Constitution, the slavery that returned was seven times worse.  Read Oshinkys on the state slavery that followed the 13th Amendment.  And those admirers and acolytes of Lincoln, the nazis, to the heights they took state slavery.

Getting rid of something, the Bible is teaching, is not a matter of legislation and war, it is a matter of prayer and fasting (some demons are only cast out by prayer and fasting.)

And look at the typical american today.  Their circumstances are permanent, they have no effective way of governing themselves.  Election fraud is material and effective.  We are violently dominated, the police can enter our homes at will, arrest and strip search on any pretext, search us at airports and kill with impunity.   Between big government and big pharma, from birth control to mind alteration, connections in families are broken irretrievably.  And our entertainment is about ridicule, disrespect.  (Your fired!)

By lending credit, and at fractional reserve at that, usury allows the powers that be today to indenture future generations to pay for money the powers that be spend today.  Talk about natal alienation!

Did Chistianity eliminate slavery?  Not yet.

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