Thursday, August 16, 2012

If You Have A State, You Did Not Build That

Pres. Obama is now famous for saying:

 “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that."
He went on to say the state was a partner, and sustains the business.  That is rather obvious, since the state has grown to the point it picks winners and losers.  It's activities are so overwhelming that only innovative, marginal business can sneak in.  And then Reagan's rule kicks in:

If it moves tax it, if it keeps moving regulate it, if it stops moving, subsidize it.  It's funny because it is largely true.  If a company becomes established enough to survive taxes, it gets regulated.

The fact is only that which creates it can sustain it.  If the owner left the business, would the Government be able to continue it.  No, in every instance such businesses eventually fail.

And so a better phrase might be:

 “If you’ve got a Government — you didn’t build that."

Because the people are the ones who build the base from which Governments emerge, and only they can sustain it.  And determine what form it is.

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