Saturday, September 15, 2012

Home Depot Folds in China

It didn't work out.   There is a lesson there:

Chinese homeowners rarely paint houses or lay out wooden floors themselves. Rather, they prefer to hire decoration companies, which often find products with more competitive prices from local building material stores, Chen said.
In addition, the company's strengths in the United States, including its lower prices due to its global sourcing channels, have been diluted in China.
"You can always find local brands that are cheaper, and consumers in various regions have very different preferences," Chen said. "Winning the market through a price war is not going to work for a foreign retailer in China."

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P. S. said...

That's a similar conclusion that Best Buy had when they closed every store in the country, overnight "people do not want to pay a little bit more for good service".

Not saying that HD has good service, and I never visited an HD when I lived in Shanghai. But I did frequent Best Buy, and I did so particularly because of the service.

It's difficult to believe a home supplies store has difficulties when the number of new homes being built has been exploding. Perhaps they just were not managed, well. Perhaps they should outsource some good American managers to China (like you say :)