Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Sartorial History of USA

Victorious USA guerilla general.  Real job: surveying. Defeated the world's sole superpower.

The last USA general to defeat a guerrilla movement.   5'2" tall.  Liked to draw. In the military against his will.  One of America's best horsemen.

General Black Jack Pershing after fighting in WWI.  Indian fighter, Phillipines, Cuba, fought Pancho Villa. Won.

USA's top World War Two general.

USA's top general, as of a few days ago.  Never in combat, but accidentally shot during a training exercise.

A Libyan general.

North Korean generals.

Taliban's top general.  Defeating the world's sole superpower.

We did better when our generals had jobs and came out to fight when we were threatened.  What have you learned?  No, not that they have the same nose.  The lesson is real generals don't wear ribbons and pins.

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