Saturday, November 17, 2012

Honeywell Against Consumer Choice in Thermostats

I have had several very bad experiences with Honeywell thermostats.  One time I tried to contact them to help programming an odd model.  Their customer service is the worst I have ever seen.

Honeywell need not care because they are a huge defense contractor.  Money will pour in anyway.

They use IPR to crush innovators attempting to provide custoemrs what they want.  Nest is a start-up with a new thermostat.

“Honeywell stands by its claims of patent infringement by Nest Labs, and we are confident the Patent Office will affirm the validity of our patented intellectual property related to thermostat technology,” a company spokesman told AllThingsD in a statement.

USA is goving over a cliff.  These pattterns and practices will end in time.  The pendulum will swing back.  Sometimes the old rotten system comes crashing down over something silly.  Like thermostats.

Our enemy are the patent attorneys who keep this system alive by participating in it.  (There are patent attorneys who are as keen on ridding ourselves of the regime as I am, so not all patent attarneys are harming our economy.)

Nest wins Red Dot design award.

At some point, the system will fail.  You need to know how a free market works, so you can thrive in a renaissance.

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