Monday, November 19, 2012


This is sad to see.  Apple is going downhill extremely fast.  have you noticed when they build a big building, they go down?  Sears build the Sears Tower.  Washington Mutual built their Tower.  Pan Am built their Tower. It is like the story of the Tower of babel all over.  Build a tower to yourselves, and go under.

It would be great if Apple was simply working the patent angle defensively.  But as the Samsung lawsuit showed they are not.  Now Samsung has turned that court defeat into an economic success.  Like the tower of Babel, Apple no longer understands the language of the markets.

Buy winning the argument Samsung phone was so close as to be the same thing as the Apple iPhone, worldwide people learned that Apple says the Samsung phone was so close as to be the same thing as the Apple iPhone.  Gary North says in advertising every ad should have 2 elements:  Who says? So what?  Here Apple paid tens of millions to say Samsung phone was so close as to be the same thing as the Apple iPhone.  Who says?  Apple.  So what?  Save $300.

Losing was the best thing to ever happen to Samsung.  And this is where it gets sticky.  That USA victory has nothing to do with anything outside of USA.  Where Samsung won the cases.  And Samsung will now outgrow Apple.  Because, as Apple lawyers earned tens of millions arguing, Samsung is as good as Apple.

Fire all your patent attorneys now.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

This is the reason why I could never stand Apple and never bought its products. This is not the first time Apple files for such patents. Back in the day, they filed for a patent on two windows overlapping and sued Microsoft.

Another reason why I can't stand Apple is its co-founder, Jobs. Unlike Wozniak who is a very nice, pleasant person, Jobs was an arrogant, hurtful person that I would never want to befriend or support. I've noticed many vegetarian/vegan men display the same personality traits.

Yet another reason why I can't stand Apple is its users... Now, I know there are exceptions like you, but here I'm referring to the artsy-lefty users who are part of the Apple cult and somehow forget that Jobs was a 1%-er and that Apple is a multinational corporation.