Sunday, November 18, 2012

How USA Outlasted USSR

There is another difference between Hong Kong and the USA.  In Hong Kong, the government owns the land (except for the property of one Anglican Church), and you can only lease real estate, for say 99 years.  In the United States, every generation must buy back their property from the government.

The agricultural policy of the United States is "get big or get out."  There might be resistance to Soviet style mass murder of small farmers, as in the Ukraine in the 1930s, which American progressives praised, but cooler heads in the United States came up with a system that achieves the same goals, eliminating the small farmers, in a way that cannot be resisted.

But according to the American Farm Bureau, up to 97 percent of American farms and ranches will be subject to an estate tax where the exemption is set at $1 million. At that rate, the federal government will pocket $40 billion in 2013 and up to $86 billion in 2021. That contrasts with just $12 billion this year.

Read more:

Since farmers die off at an uneven rate, one farm shutting down is not enough to cause a backlash.  Now this does not mean the farm goes fallow, it just means Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midlands takes over and grows frankenfoods and biofuels, all massively subsidized, to delight progressives.

The problem is where as small farmers once paid taxes, once the small farm is taken over, it costs amazing amounts of money to keep going.    And where once farmers produced good food, we now get cancers.

This will all end very badly.  We only outlasted the USSR, that doesn't mean we are better then the old USSR.  This system will not go on forever. Your only lifeboat is self-employment.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


John Wiley Spiers said...

Addenda: Someone osted aa comment that I found interesting, but I could nto publish it without cleaning it up... (this is a family blog) so here...

I agree but selfemployment is so hard. I mean I don´t know where to start and all my life I was educated to be just an employee. Besides I don´t have $$$ to star a business so technically I am bleep up (please forgive the language but I am really depressed...) I wish I were in the USA, there are no opportunities in the bleep I live Cheers

Well. USA was once quite the miserable frontier, and may be again in the near future. The algae is always greener on the other side of the canal. Those who do well specifically experience suffering (passio - to suffer) and find joy in the workig on the solution.

If you are thinking it is about amassing personal wealth, then there is no cure. If you think it is about lifestyle, then where-ever you are is perfect. Where-ever you are, you are not alone, others are as despondent as you. Shake it up. Just figure out what your passion is, and you'll know you are on the right track when you find joy.

And also, you do not need $$$ to start a business. You only need customers (banks introduced the idea you need money (they mean credit) and they need you to believe start-up is risky so you will sop up some of the state-sanctioned excess credit.

Self-employment is necessarily personal transformation. Moving to USA will get you no where. You are precisely where you need to be to thrive. Change your mind

Anonymous said...

But John, what if I just want financial independence just enough enough money to stop worrying about it.
Can you be little more specific abouty the lifestyle echoe?


P.S. Sorry about some of the words used in the previous post. I didn´t know this was a familiar blog.