Monday, December 31, 2012

Pray We Go Over The Fiscal Cliff!

Your taxes will go up, the military will be cut, milk prices may shoot up, and who knows what else will happen.  Yes, if you have depended on a false economy, and war-profiteering, then you may be temporarily inconvenienced by going over the fiscal cliff.

It is always a good idea when you spend more than you make to increase income and cut expenses.  A big expense is war, and you have been paying for it on a credit card.  At what point do you say, "Hmmm... maybe these wars are not a good idea"?  What would it be...?  Maybe...hmmm.. what if more soldiers committed suicide than died in battle.  Would that cause you to pause, reflect, think?  No!  How come?  Because you have not been paying for the wars!  Now that the cost will come out of your paycheck, you'll begin to think about what it costs your personally.  And for the first time in twelve years of pointless murder for oil, you'll say ...  "hmmm....  maybe we should not be there..."

Milk is cheap because you've been paying taxes to keep it so.  Now you will have to pay for it.  You m ight finally say...  "hmmm... what is in a carton of milk?  Hmmm...  organic raw milk is now cheaper than Darigold....  I wonder if real milk is good for you?"

Yes, for the first time in your life you'll actually start paying for some of the things you thought were cost-less, like murder for oil.  You may experience a little less money for dope and make-up, but it will have a profound effect on your psyche, and may actually cause you to consider  what is done in your name.

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