Thursday, January 3, 2013

Secession Odds

LewRockwell has an item on poll results on the topic of secession:

Secession is viewed positively/sympathetically by:
46% of Hispanics, 14 million, and 31% of whites, 49 million.
50% of conservatives... 19% of liberals
35% of women and only 29% of men.
50% of 18-29 year olds.

We all love a system that works for us. For white male liberals, those who own the system, support is low.  For everyone else, support is higher.  For the young, who are bequeathed debt, war, racism, prison planet, bailouts, poverty and unemployment by the white liberals, they are as unhappy as conservatives.

Things just got worse for the young, when the politicians claim they "averted going over the cliff" but really started the renewed administration with massive new bailouts of failed USA banks, etc.

Secession would just bring on violence, methinks.  I like the one-country, two systems approach of Hong Kong and China.

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