Friday, January 4, 2013

Starbucks, Taxes and Scruples.

A politician has accused a business of lacking moral scruples.  As a friend recommends, savor.

Foreign companies like Starbucks and Amazon which have avoided paying large corporation tax bills in Britain lack "moral scruples", David Cameron has said.

OK... first problem, a business cannot have moral scruples, only people can.  So, as is often the case, we have a problem of categories and definitions.  But let's proceed, the people at Starbucks legally pay all of their taxes.  Anything less in tax receipts than what a politician would like to have to spend is not the result of a lack of moral scruples.  It is that the politicians have not written enough rules to mulct more.  This they can do if they like, and they do.  For example, after pretending there was a danger over something termed the fiscal cliff, and pretending to play chicken over the reich paying more, the result is in USA those making $30,000 pay a greater per cent than those paying $500,000.

The politicians have ruined their economies, and now want more money to bail out their friends.

“That is that’s not right, and so we are looking at it. I’m chairing the G8 this year so I’m going to be getting the Americans and the French and the Germans and the Italians and the Japanese all to look at this together at how can we try and stop unfair tax farming practices?

Look at that list.  It is a list of the losers of the next war, if they agree.  Creativity and progress will move to where the taxes are lower and freedom is greater.  The dark clouds of socialism have blow off the Asian continent and are now over Western Europe and the United States, and the state buys another 200,000 war-prohibited rounds.  Russia and China will invite our best and brightest.  In the 1960s the term "brain drain" referring to talent escaping socialist Britain to the comparatively superior USA.  It will happen again.

It is all madness, but if you subscribe to the false dilemma presented in elections, then you are stuck.  Self-employment is the the best way to maintain a semblance of humanity.

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