Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thirteenth Amendment & Spielberg

Spielberg makes wonderful movies that are untrue, such as Schindlers List (it is a novel), or so distorted as to change the point, such as Amistad (Cinque became a slaver.).  Now he has one on Lincoln, which makes people excited about the struggle to end slavery, the 13th amendment and all that.

Has anyone read the 13th amendment?  It could not be more clear. We are the only modern country in the world that still constitutionally provides for slavery.  That is the same 13th Amendment in the movie.  And it is pretty clear it is black slavery.

We still have slavery, it is just legal.  It bothers me because we are denied the good of these people's competition in the marketplace.  But they rot in prison for competing in say healthcare, pain management, etc.  What a thing to do to people, imprison them for providing pain management services where there is none otherwise.

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