Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Self-Employment as Ultimate Prepping

We all love a system that promises to benefit us, even if it cannot be true.  It cannot be true that you can work for twenty years, earn a lifelong pension, work another twenty, get another pension, and then retire on a third (social security) for what, another 20 or 30 years with others paying you to live.  It cannot be true that you and millions of other can do this, especially when the demographics are strongly against it.  But there you have it, millions assured the impossible is true.  "But I earned it!"

There are millions more who believe that no work is necessary.  By discouragement and incentive there can be enough to get by on, paid for by those same dwindling demographics.  And if you try for better, there is always prison.

Sure we can all see what cannot go on will eventually stop.  But everyone has a plan.  In each persons' specific case, there is an out.  Loyalty to the regime!  Guns and gold!  A foreign passport.  A place in the woods!  Well, I am a doctor!

Why would those work now when they never worked before in history?

All is going extremely well for the powers that be.  There is zero resistance to any step of their march forward to ever more power.  Big solutions to small problems.  Shift the discussion away from what matters.  And ultimately, since the problem is overpopulation of subhumans (in their weltanschauung), invite a cataclysm as a reset button.  Democracy plus election fraud equals control.  There is no extreme you may not visit, since people will never accept the system is too corrupt to stand, that the people will have to be responsible for themselves.  Totaler Krieg: War on poverty, war on terror, war on drugs, war on violence, war on obesity... all fought be someone else

Plenty of people see this.  So they are prepping.  It won't do any good.  The only prepping possible is to be useful.  Who survives?  Short order cooks, musicians, carpenters, tailors.  People who can trade things (get this and that).  When you find yourself in a crowd being sorted out, find out who those people are.  Stay out of the group which includes java-coders, get in with the cooks.  You do not want to go where the java-coders are going.

This may take some reckoning.  Solzhenitsyn lied on his card when he was being sorted out by the Soviets.  His crime was to be behind enemy lines for a few days.  Never captured, just surrounded.  10 years, hard labor.  On his card for occupation he put astrophysicist.  Two years into his sentence he was pulled to an easy jail in Moscow to work on astrophysics.  Such was the Soviet system that no one noticed that he was not in fact an astrophysicist.  Once in prison, who cares if you know what you are talking about.  Rather like working at Microsoft, or being in the military.

Yes, canaries are dying, people are prepping, but not in any way that will matter.  We are at the point where free religious would be advocating hard fasting, prayer, sack cloth and ashes.  But since religion in USA is bought and paid for, the bishops are calling for tweaking the health care bill, through the courts.  And gun control. Attabishops!  Go get 'em.  Win one for the Messiah!  Never mind Catholic saints built a system of free hospitals so no one went without health care before the state took over health care, a system the Bishops abandoned. Never mind it is lack of gun control by civil authorities over the US military that leads to countless Moslem children slaughtered overseas and revenge taken on the only Christians at hand, churches founded by Thomas, Matthew, Bartholomew and Philip themselves.  Honor the sky pilots!

Self-employment is sack cloth and ashes.  It is personal transformation.  There are no atheists on a sales call.  Steve Jobs' dying words were "wow."

Yes, we are on our own.  Fix the term "self-employment" by more accurately saying "customer-employment."  There you go.  Now you are on the right track.  We are on our own, but a limitless demand from customers awaits us.  Serve customers and you are no longer on your own, in'shAllah.

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