Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Catholic Theocons Keep Talking War

With a new pro-peace Pope elected, Catholic theocons waste no time in insisting the Church needs to worry about Moslems...  Here from Michael Novak's website, in an interview with George Weigel.

Michael: On your side is that Catholics now number 1.2 billion human beings on earth — one out of six — and are growing rapidly, faster than Muslims.The atheist part of the earth is shrinking, as more and more persons lose meaning, purpose, and even the heart to defend themselves — and fewer couples have children. But your central point is how Evangelical Catholicism will change the people in the pews, say, in America.

I used to like these two, but they both sold out for a place at the table.  They are both excellent examples of getting a reward here and now but their pro-war and blood libels on Islam will cost them at some point.

America is hated for the influence of the theocons and neocons.  Both have been useful idiots to the powers that be.  Both delight in pretty shiny awards and time in front of a podium.  Generally CIA funded.  Neither will take responsibility for their role in the decimation of Christian communities in the Middle East.  Arrrggghhh!

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Anonymous said...

Read: "War is a Racket".

This speech and book by Smedley Butler, a major general in the marines compleltey changed my view of America and war. It was written in 1935. It was a very unsettling: business interests commercially benefit from warfare. Today, it looks like big business interests in America have a say in how a military and foreign policy is conducted. Why is Africa devoid of any U.S. military action? - because there is no oil in Africa, namely countries like Rwanda.