Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shocked, Shocked... the IRS is Politicially Motivated

It seems some people believe life started when they were born, or at least life became perfect when they were born, because they were born.  I suppose people do not remember that Nixon sure use the IRS to harass enemies.   Every government agency has brown-nosers who will commit crimes for some higher up, for the the thrill, money, excitement who nows.  Nothing new there.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs has "lost" untold billions of native American's money.  No one has gone to jail.

The Center for Disease Control (initiated with its precursor "public health") targeted people with some African heritage to run a syphilis treatment scam on them for over 40 years, no one went to jail.

The Social Security Administration released "super secret" race IDs to the army so it could round up Japanese citizens for transport to concentration camps during WWII.  No one went to prison.

The United States Treasury repudiated gold and silver certificates in spite of the "full faith and credit" of the United States, and no one went to prison.

The FDA was involved in planting 2 grapes with cyanide on a shipment from Chile which led to a ban and Chilean farmers losing $330 million.  (Take that, Pinochet!) No one went to jail.

Presidents of the United States lied us into several wars, and are still doing it.  No one is going to jail.

Now in each instance above, it was elements working for the agency, not the agency.  But in no instance did any individual go to jail.  Because no one want minions to be afraid to break the law in the future.  The political appointees want power.

Once when Nixon got out of hand, each of his satraps resigned rather than do wrong.  It is funny to think we once had the rule of law in USA.  Gone now.

If you think it is bad now, wait until they have your medical records.

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