Sunday, June 30, 2013

China Banking Moves

Mish is on top of the financial beat, and has some interesting things to say today..

This is why I think we need to watch carefully what happens this week. It is not clear to me how widely Chinese depositors knew about or understood the events of last week. Although they were discussed in the specialized financial press, the accounts tended to be very “factual”. 

More info here...

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Anonymous said...

Not so sure about Mish Shedlock. The performance history of his investment funds are horrible:

If his observations and analysis are so good, shouldn't his managed funds be performing better (compared to the S&P index)?

Same thing with Peter Schiff.

John Wiley Spiers said...

I disagree with Schiff too much to ever cite him, so I haven't, but your critique of Mish performance is based on a snapshot. Yes, his allocation looks terrible if the economy is doing well. To me it looks like where you want to be when you know this economy will fail but you do not know when. And when it does, there will be no time to adjust, like trying to put on a seat belt during a car wreck. Good luck with that.

I say have nothing in the markets at all. I say invest every cent you have in the means of production so when it does go very bad, and it will in my lifetime to be sure, you can at least produce things that sell.

"Prepping" is nuts since there is no anticipating what problems will arise. On the other hand, people will always need to eat, sleep, dress, cook, repair, etc.

So I think Mish analysis is good, and if I was investing, his allocations look right to me.