Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wouldn't it be Nice..?

I've been saying for years the most likely explanation for the downing of TWA flight 800 was that our weapons systems got hacked.  I thought this when the Russian sub Kursk sank itself after launching a torpedo.

Wouldn't it be wonderful for all of us to find out that none of these terror weapons systems actually work independently, that they can be taken over by hackers at any time?  For example, when two of our drones in a row were landed in Iran?

That no country has real offensive war power?  And we've never been invaded, that all of this money on weapons and security is just very expensive theatre?

And defense of the USA meant that USA citizens armed was the best defense of the USA and we needed no standing military?  And so we needed no domestic spying looking for foreign threats? And our relations with the rest of the world were based on how we trade with people around the world, like it was in Tang Dynasty China and the early 1800s USA?  And we no longer related to the world by our military might, which leads to USA being isolated in the world?

And would that not be terrible for the standing militaries around the world?

Here is what an Irish legislator had to say about the Obama's recent visit to Ireland:

Nothing like an Irishwoman...

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