Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Apple Outsources Design

Apple competes on design.  Design is so important, it is not something you do yourself, you hire professionals to do so.

Earlier this month, Apple hired Paul Deneve, the outgoing chief executive of fashion house Yves Saint Laurent, to work on undefined “special projects”, reporting to Mr Cook. His experience in fashion and luxury goods has been seen as potentially useful in a move into watches, as well as branding.
Apple’s iWatch recruitment drive has included seeking out acquisitions of early-stage start-ups working on connected devices. Making so-called “acqui-hires” such as this has become common practice in Silicon Valley, where engineering talent carries a high premium, even for top companies such as Apple.

The new crowdsourcing cites sure beat the old "notice on the engineering department bulletin board" back in the day.  Think 99designs.com vs.

Here again is the internet performing its only value:  lower the cost of communication and widening access to research.

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