Monday, September 2, 2013

A Needful Business Opportunity

Following up on yesterday's post, there needs to be a website which collects the specifications as to quantity and quality of small businesses who propose to search and learn new markets with the MOQ FOB method, and distributes said info to carriers, freight forwarders and shipping packaging houses.

There is a balance to be struck to make the best MOQ FOB offer: which weights and measures of the MOQ FOB packaged which way is ideal for shipping in what way, in terms of cost/benefit analysis?  As I reflect on this is probably the toughest step in a rather easy process overall.  But this step is the physical expression of the art of MOQ FOB.

The site can collect inquiries and distribute them to a subscription list of professionals who can tackle the project with a view to a sale of their respective services.  No doubt such a website could be monetized.

So many business opportunities so little time.

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