Sunday, September 1, 2013

MOQ FOB and Packaging

Export packaging is a field of its own, and your Freight Forwarder and shipping supply company are both happy to assist your small business present a first rate package.  There are technical issues too...
Effective packaging is the key to avoiding some LCL risks. Packaging requirements exceed even those of LTL, because the cargo will not only be packed with other shippers' goods, but will be subject to the rigors of sea transport.
I use Uline at for their comprehensive catalog, multi-locations and excellent service.  I also admire them for taking space in one of their catalog editions to trash the predatory capitalism that beggared one of their customers, the grand old business called Harry & David.

But aside form admiration, when making MOQ FOB offers, as the offer itself displays a professionalism inasmuch as the offer is simple and clear, this can be extended to the export packaging itself.  And the packaging, which may end up showing at retail, can be plastered with your advertising. Remember to have your moqfob url, and U S A on the packaging.  Other buyers will find you.

While someone may have a steady business of 20' container loads of flax seed, and MOQ FOB may be for a mere 30 gallon drum, which facilitates many unimaginable uses being tested overseas.

There is a maxim in retail: "Stack 'em high, watch 'em fly."  Wine exporters may find the MOQ FOB best offered in this little number, approved as export packaging.

Shipping sugar cane, chopped fresh in the field?  It telescopes!

Your energy bars may be giveaways for banks trying to attract the Bulgarian Yuppie, and packed in this clever number goes from your warehouse to the Sophia Marathon finish line air or surface.

Wait wait... there is more... you need assurance the goods are handled well in transit?  Uline has you covered:

Worried about humidity?  Check these out...  they don't prevent humidity, but if you've been promised enviro-controls, this will prove if it's been otherwise...

Or is heat the issue?

or is it freezing?

if it is just a matter of keeping it dry, why then...

Sure these things cost, but the point of MOQ FOB is to discover markets, not turn a profit.  There are no economies of scale in this, but it is frustrating to have to try again for poor packaging or some such. Just make sure you add the cost into your MOQ FOB.  The customer pays for everything.

 Get advice on packaging as part of your MOQ FOB.

I receive no compensation in any form from uline for this endorsement.
Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

What if one is exporting a food or other perishable product to a foreign buyer, and the product is spoiled during shipment from mishandling, bad temperature effects, etc., - can we get insurance to cover the replacement cost? How is this issue dealt with?

John Wiley Spiers said...

Tricky business that... some things should be more managed for care than insured for loss...

A properly packed and climate controlled shipment should be at no more risk than any other shipment. This may cost more, but a sound shipment arriving on time and tested out in a market is worth far more in information than the nominal cost of the shipment. The waste of time of a lost shipment is the unrecoverable cost.

The assumption is on a moq fob, a loss is a write-off, so insuring say a $2500 shipment would be a bit of a case of overkill. And in the measure your mind runs to "insuring for loss" is the measure you are ignoring some of the "learn" part of "search and learn" regarding proper packaging.

Of course ocean freight insurance on a 20' load is sensible, but the insurance will only be valid if your shipment is properly loaded and maintained, something you learned in the search and learn process, working closely with the freight forwarder.

I should mention the gadgets for recording uline carries are for basic indicating, industrial grade tools are offered at such places as .