Thursday, November 14, 2013

Why We Need Robots to Replace High-paying Jobs

Since China has a desperate labor shortage, they are moving way ahead of USA on robot factories.

In USA, we need to promote eliminating high-paying jobs by replacing them with robots, the sooner the better.  We'll know we are on our way to auto-industry recovery when there is not a single manufacturing job making cars in USA.  Of course, part of the process will be to repudiate all of the pensions, but anyone who ever expected to live on a pension was simply being self-delusional.

Here is why we need to replace factory work with robots.  Anyone can do the repetitive factory work.  In fact any robot can do it.  What only a creative, thinking person can do is develop new products.

For example, in a country that has been pretty much freed of "high paying employment" some gals not working on a production line came up with an invisible bike helmut.

The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.

People who seek high-paying jobs robots can do deny the rest of us the good of their creativity.  The settle for "high pay" in betrayal of the rest of us.   The charitable thing to do is let them know now, there will be no pension.  Therefore, get busy creating something new and valuable.

We need to get rid of "high-paying jobs" because the people who seek them deny the rest of us the good of their creativity.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

China has a desperate labor shortage... for simple, unskilled jobs? Doesn't China have about 1 billion peasants that have yet to even enter the middle class? Is this shortage due more to the aging of the population and the 1-child family planning policy?

John Wiley Spiers said...

China has a desperate labor shortage for technical high-skilled jobs, the kind USA policy wants to "bring back".

Those peasants are not available for lack of skills. The one-child policy is another disaster, and aging population is a problem in all industrialized countries.

Anonymous said...

I think the aging population problem is more of problem for China and Europe, Russia and even the middle eastern countries, rather than for America.

More people want to come to America compared to any other country, so far. Unfortunately, many of the people that want to come are usually unskilled.