Monday, January 20, 2014

Chinese Dams And World Economy

In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins took credit for what was already well-known, and that is the USA would offer to build infrastructure for a country, oversell, bankrupt and then own a country.  The owning of a country was made easier by the fact the dam was built, for it is well cited that bureaucracies emerged to manage waterworks.  With a bureaucracy emergent due to waterworks, then it was only a matter of owning the leaders of the bureaucracy.

China Daily has remarkably frank discussion of this process, which China seems to be repeating.
IR's Peter Bosshard agreed. "There is often a bit of geopolitics involved in these projects," he told China Daily. "Obviously, Brazil has a very active dam-building industry as well and is kind of the regional powerhouse. But there are governments that are trying to become a bit more independent from Brazilian influence, so that is where China plays a more active role in Ecuador."
China can beat the USA at this game because they charge less.  Just as Nassar played the USA off the USSR, so leaders today are doing the same.

The USA is betting on weapons instead of dams for domination.  Good luck with that policy, and good luck with unlimited spying.  Something as simple as distaste for indecency can break our relations worldwide.

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