Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pretending Pensions

Sunday is a good day to kick back and review  a long post by Mish in which he reviews an essay on money and economics, "monetary tectonics."

We are in deep and serious economic trouble.  The powers that be have zero interest in doing right or doing well, since it would mean less for them; or given any diminution of resources, less than a lions share.  At the commanding heights, no one wants improvement, since it necessarily means less for themselves.  The would rather rule in hell than be a shoe clerk in heaven.

Maldefinition of money has created a pretense in which people work at nothing productive and are promised that which cannot be delivered, to the extremely evil end were are all denied the good of other's contributions.

We have something called derivatives.  In 2008 the notional value (rough guess) is $182 trillion, now about $1.2 quadrillion.  Now here is the problem.  See that dollar sign?  But derivatives are not money.  Promises and cross promises. If you have a dollar in your pocket, that is a derivative.  Powerful people, representing us, have agreed with other powerful people, representing others, that they owe each other these astronomical figures.  then politics are arranged around the trouble areas:  who controls Greek vacation spots, who controls Iraq oil flows, who controls banking in Malaysia.  The rest of us are along for the ride, come what may.

Countless people head out daily and go through motions, often involving shopping on the internet to kill time, and produce absolutely nothing.  The farmer farms, the fisherman fishes, the trucker hauls, but beyond that, it quickly becomes EBT land, as the bigger the company, the less connection with a market.  What is formed is a sense of entitlement for time served. "I worked for 30 years as a...."  Lemme see, pension plus social security and my stock portfolio means I can live another forty years on vacation.

Even if it was true, it would be wrong, because we need all hands on deck, all hands producing, none denying us the good of their creativity.

But it is not true,  there are no more in assets behind the derivatives than the dollar in your pocket.  It is all faith, in Mammon.  People are making purchases and living a lifestyle they otherwise would not absent the pretend income they are enjoying on pretend appreciation on pretend investments.  There are no assets behind these investments, it is trillions in ponzie and fiat.

That is not to say I advise spartanism, quite the contrary.  I regret we are denied the vast riches available if we were living in a freer polity with less economic distortion.  Right now we have an economy where the vast majority is happy if they can just get by.

We waste unspeakable amounts on weapons and munitions to "defend this way of life" and make human sacrifice to Mars of our young.  And there is the connection that holds the USA together:  the rich with their Boeings and Carlysle and Bechtels manage and produce for war and the poor contribute the fighters through the poverty draft.  "One nation under God...'

These people are no different than the countless who are living off ebt cards, making purchases they otherwise would not.
Welfare recipients took out cash at bars, liquor stores, X-rated video shops, hookah parlors and even strip clubs — where they presumably spent their taxpayer money on lap dances rather than diapers, a Post investigation found.
Well, what do you think soldiers do with their money?

The most radical act a person can make is to start a business.  It is the only beneficial avenue that can be taken given the circumstances we are in.  It undermines directly the evil within our system, it is nonviolent, and to the degree you thrive you help others as you help yourself.

Of course it ain't easy, but easy is not the point.  You want change for the better.  Your own business is not the best way, it is the only way.

What causes you to suffer (passion) that working upon to resolve gives you joy?  That resolution is your product or service, your work form now on.  Figure that out.

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