Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Online Marketing Wastes Money

Any reader of this blog knows I've demonstrated the internet is no place to base a business.  One fundamental challenge is the cost to advertise a product to gain a sale is greater than any profits in almost all cases.

Now, what if the cost is not only "not there" but is in fact a ripoff.  I've never liked facebook to begin with, it mystifies me, but I know some people who are addicted to it.  This fellow has demonstrated that facebook itself is running a scam:

So now we have the problem of adjusting online promotion once facebook is taken out of the equation, which will in fact happen when the tipping point is achieved and taxpayers are no longer paying facebook $600,000 for the Ministry of Silly Walks to gain 10,000 likes from Delhi.

There will be a tipping point when people figure out the scam.

Now, the rule of law in USA is organized around "get big or get out."  Facebook is big and brought opulence to the few.  Therefore it is tolerated.  Also, facebook is integrated in the surveillance state, so it will be given a pass.

And people keep forking over money to facebook.

Feel free to forward this by email to three of your friends.


Anonymous said...

What about the passive MOQ FOB website offer technique? Isn't this method using the internet website by itself to base an exporting business?

Do we need to do both the active (tradeshow research) and passive technique to be effective?

Fo the passive website offer, what other techniques can help get the website noticed? Search engine optimization?

John Wiley Spiers said...

Before the internet, an exporter was not a telephone and catalog based business. Certainly the telephone and the catalog were present, but no one expected those to be sufficient to the task of the business. Necessary perhaps, but not sufficient.

In 1982. the last time I produced a catalog for a company with some 500 skus, the $20,000 cost was worth it since we could attribute about a a half million in sales to the catalog. No one even thinks of costing out the cost of creation and maintenance of a website, and the benefit derived therein. No web designer would ever suggest such a thing, since it cannot be demonstrated a website they created would ever be worth while.

I have websites because I create them myself. Someday web designers will provide web designs that makes their services worthwhile, but as long as we have this false economy, pretty pictures sell.

Today, far and wide, people believe a web presence is necessary and sufficient to the task. Since most small businesses have zero web presence, clearly it is neither necessary nor sufficient.

A website can be useful, and the passive marketing is based on the idea of the paper catalog which was passive marketing. Sure, put up the MOQ FOB as a passive marketing, but as I said clearly, do not think you can base a business on a web presence.

Anonymous said...

Many entrepreneurs are focused on the wrong things. They think that having a flashy website with all of the bells and whistles will make them successful, when in reality a business webpage is just a digital version of a printed catalog product page. Another widespread misconception I think is providing exceptional customer service: Even if they have the product wrong, better customer service won't help. Providing adequate customer service is just standard operating procedure for a business.