Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Observation On the Labor Theory of Value

I find so many people unable to start-up businesses, and get no where in the field of internet coding, for being trapped in what is called the labor theory of value.  You hear school teachers say this all the time, "I make $80,000 per year (never mind part time) and basketball players make $10 million.  That is not fair."

What they all share is the idea "if this takes a lot of time and is really difficult, I will get rich."  Fact is you get paid to take as close as zero time as possible and with near zero effort. Closer to that the more people will pay you...

Basketball players teach millions of people how to behave by playing a few games people watch.  Invaluable.  Teachers treat kids like chassis in an production line upon which to hang things.  Web developers figure if the cram as much stuff as can be loaded in ten by hitting the refresh button then they should be paid a lot.

For me there is a lot of heavy lifting getting people to unload all the worthless, pointless ideas and junk they want to bring to the offer.

This is a riff on K .

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Anonymous said...

The big corporations do indeed control our government:

"Attorney General Eric Holder, weighs economic interests when deciding whether to enforce our Nation’s laws against criminal wrongdoers like the too-big-to-fail banks."