Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Brilliant Booth Design Element

At the ExpoWest Natural Foods Show in Anaheim this week I was floored by a booth design element I thought was brilliant.  It was a map of the USA covering the back wall of the booth. Compliments of wiki, let me show you sort of what it looked like:
The map was entitled "(named product) market penetration density by State."  Any buyer walking by gets 1000 words of info from this graphic instantly.  First all buyers see the item is spreading in diverse markets.  Second, any buyer from an empty state sees he will be the first to introduce the item.  Third given the relative Arizona/California market penetration density Californians can see their market is under-served.   I could see this map selling goods without the buyer knowing what the item is.

I changed one aspect...  they had only one dot for California,  and I split it in two since that is really two states and NorCal is 1/3rd the market of SoCal, so splitting it up makes each dot even smaller relative to Arizona.

I would update this map demonstrating changes over the year, each year.  I asked the sales clerk who came up with the idea..?  "Marketing."  Bonuses due there!  Brilliant marketing and execution.  It makes news, enhances the image and grows the business.  Ogilvy would have applauded.

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