Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Russian Visa and Mastercard

Since USA banks are going to stick it to Moscow, by declining Visa/MC cooperation, the Russians are obliged to introduce their own.  Done.  More billions in fees that will never run to USA now, and no doubt the Russians will offer cheaper fees to pick up more customers.  (One slightly amusing thing, the logo in the upper left, the initials sounded out say "ooo-yek.") And look, it is one of the more secure cards, not available to USA consumers, who are subject to massive identity theft if they use Visa and Mastercard at Target or Neiman Marcus.  If they have a debit version, I want one!
Universal electronic card (Image: Federal authorized organization "Universal electronic card")
Universal Electronic Card
It really is dangerous to believe your own PR.  Compare the Crimea and Panama.

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