Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Van's Advertising

Van's is a shoe company catering to the young with an advertising campaign highlighting young people who are starting their own businesses.  Encouraging!

And the theme is anarchic, with one sixteen year old girl warning the government that there are plenty just like her.  Wow... she gets it, she knows the government policy is anti-small business, get big or get out.


So for those who believe in government, these kids need cheap rent.  Give it to them by withdrawing the subsidies and protections for capitalism such as outlined yesterday.  Get rid of the relentlessly unfair-to-small-business regulations such as the duty drawback on wine imports, and well, Romney/obamacare,  subsidies on agriculture, such as the requirement food aid be shipped at three times the going freight charge, etc.

Why cap incomes with minimum wages when cutting taxes will lead to untold wealth?  If all of this is unthinkable, then time to do a Venice, and start creating new Hong Kongs in USA.

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