Friday, May 16, 2014

Honor Labor: $15 An Hour Minimum Wage

If you were raised in Washington State, when you think of unions, your first reaction is Honor Labor.

There were walk-outs and strikes this week around the USA for a $15 an hour minimum wage.  Just as the republicans use war on people brown or darker to win elections, the democrats are going after small businesses.  $15 an hour will wipe out the small businesses in USA, and the WalMarts of the world will simply get a tax credit of some sort to make up the difference.  This is the get big or get out imperative of USA economic policy.

The Labor Movement was once in essence an anti-fascist movement.  With capitalism comes usury and aggregation of money and power to ever fewer people, who maintain control by amalgamating ever bigger business and ever bigger government into one, the definition of fascism.  Labor put a check on that.  Jimmy Hoffa was the last of the anti-fascist labor leaders, and when we went off the quasi-gold standard, he got in the way of a tidal wave of fascist potential.  First prison, and when he did not learn his lesson - Whack!  Welcome to USA.

When we had a real labor movement, mayors and governors and presidents greenlighted thugs to crack heads on labor organizers and strikers.  What does it tell you when today those politicians embrace the $15 an hour initiative?  So now we are treated to a labor movement populated by hirelings of big biz/big govt putting a halo on greasing the skids for more big biz, big govt and less small biz.

Like Author Yang who could not make the connection between his father starving to death and the communist policies, Americans cannot see the connection between the unemployment check they are receiving and the fact they are unemployed.  It is too easy to think you get the check because you are unemployed, when in fact you are unemployed because of the check.
The millions who are thus bought and paid for do not want any change. They are afraid of change. Mothers of six children cash their $180 stipend every month and go on a binge of department-store buying, movies, … candies, radio, and even sometimes a car. It’s amazing how much you can get in the way of luxury if you just do without the necessities.
Labor leaders once said things like this. They were anti-fascist.  Not a peep from labor anymore.  Fascism has triumphed in USA.  We need an anti-fascist labor movement again.

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