Friday, May 16, 2014

Tombtone 3 - All Hail Communist Victory!

When I first went to Hong Kong in 1977, I sought out Laszlo LaDany, the doyen of the China watchers, and then subscribed to his fortnight newsletter, The China News Analysis.  From reading his work, I had no illusions about the Maoist China I was entering.  Having crossed the bridge at Lo Wu in Shenzhen, and been confronted with the disparity, I needed clarity.  Fr. LaDany was very often plagiarized, and all of the top intelligence agencies in the world subscribed to his letter.  He casually laid waste to useful idiots like Simone de Beauvoir, when she attacked him first.

I often praise Communist China for the simple reason I know what it is: a country under the control of the most powerful mafia in the history of mankind.  They don't pretend to be anything more than they are. When Chinese hucksters fake a government to sell building permits, of course I know the perps will be executed.  Personally I think that is a bit harsh. In USA we handle government malefaction usually with a slap on the wrist if anything. This is why so many governmetn workers rip off taxpayers.  There is no downside.

Mao was presented with a fellow who needed killing, but he demurred, since he had heretofore never executed a party secretary.  So it is in the USA.  But China is no longer under Mao.  And USA is under  the same "us-vs-them" of the Maoist era.  Down with the climate change deniers!

Today I praise Chinese achievements, for they are heading up as USA is heading down.  We are getting beat by communists.    Sure they are running the same scams as we are in USA on currency, etc, but they are playing the hand they are dealt extremely well. And people who recall starvation getting a downgrade vs a people whose concerns run to "gay" marriage, immigration and minimum wage (what people focusses on MINIMUM wage!?)   China actually cares if the people are unhappy, in the USA our government simply assigns snipers to the BLM.  As Stalin said, no man, no problem.

China is heading up.  USA has elected, election after election, to head down.  Out future is a Bush or a Clinton.  Both would rather rule in hell than be a shoe clerk in heaven.  And millions will agree, given that choice.

We need a Hong Kong in USA to inspire us, as it has China.

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