Wednesday, May 7, 2014

MOQ FOB and Alibaba

Things can get so confusing...

Alibaba started as a matchmaker for international trade.  It was part-owned by Yahoo at one point.

Matchmaking services have always been a bad idea, and when anyone thinks of Alibaba, they think of matchmaking service.  So it must be a successful matchmaking service, since it is talking USA IPO that is scaring amazon and ebay.

No.  Alibaba is a Chinese version of AT&T, eInsurance, ebay, Amazon, Uber, paypal, twitter, google, Apple, facebook, you name it, all-in-one.  Since it is everything, it is big, and you know, USA investors are size-queens. Alibaba is a miserable matchmaking service, but it is getting excited hype.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council is a database of suppliers.  It is industry based, and grew organically with the Hong Kong Trade starting back in 1966.  It is an intelligence service, not a matchmaking service.

It tests new ideas, here promoting companies that offer MOQ FOB.

HKTDC does research and interviews, here on the wine business.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council provides a database of suppliers and buyers for traders to contact.

So there is a difference between state-run matchmaking services, industry based databases, and corporate efforts like Alibaba.

Back in the day we would do research to find the best place in the world for something, say mid-quality diamonds ready to set, and find that is Antwerp.  Then we'd collect the phone books of Antwerp and contact suppliers with our requirements.  We'd get catalogs of the best as we proceeded (if there were catalogs). As we got closer to agreements, we'd check references.  And then we'd start small and grow the business.

The best suppliers have too much demand to mess around with exposure on Alibaba.  There is no benefit.  The best buyers know Alibaba is a firehose of wastewater when you want a sip of clean water.

The internet has put the databases online, catalogs and contact info, and speeded up the process, but has not changed the process.

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council is unique, like Hong Kong.  It is a industry based databank and intelligence collect and distribute center.  Alibaba will never threaten their mission, because HKTDC gets the real traders.

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