Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Never Give Free Samples

If someone wants samples to test at no cost, then they are not a buyer.  If you give them a free sample, you are wasting time and money.  I think the idea of giving free wine at trade shows is nuts, crazy, delusional.  I recall when wineries in California used to do it, now of course they charge.

Since it is apparently Hong Kong day on this blog today, here is a website about pop-up food carts ala Hong Kong.  People sell the samples.  This is done right...

Of course, this should be marketing as well, anyone who buys should have a means to buy again, after the event.  I don't see that with what little info there is...  check it out...

I will not charge for samples when I get value beforehand, say in the form of market intelligence...  if someone can convince me their market intelligence (studies info) is worth ten times the cost of my samples, then I might trade no cost samples for no cost market intel.

Never give a free sample.

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