Monday, May 19, 2014

Putin and Queen Elizabeth I

The other Queen Elizabeth.  Although we are treated to Russian reserve as perfidy, it is plain to see it is world class statesmanship.
On Wednesday Ukraine's interim prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, dismissed Putin's call to postpone the referendum as "hot air". Later the Ukrainian foreign ministry on Thursday said it was the "absolute priority" of the government of Ukraine to hold "a full-scale national dialogue with the participation of political forces, regional representatives and the public." But it declared: "Dialogue is impossible and unthinkable with terrorists."
Poppycock as the Dutch would say. (Yes, Yatsi, impossible to negotiate with terrorists, but who are the terrorists?) Just as Putin is declining to be lord over breakaway Ukraine, so Queen Elizabeth I refused to become Queen of the Netherlands.
The English queen, however, in her instructions to Leicester, had expressly declined to accept offers of sovereignty from the United Provinces while still demanding of the States to follow the "advice" of her lieutenant-general in matters of government.[220] Her ministers on both sides of the Channel hoped she would accept the situation as a fait accompli and could even be persuaded to add the rebellious provinces to her possessions.[
When will we have such leaders in USA, not interested in conquest?

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