Wednesday, June 18, 2014

China Uber Alles

So while Seattle government works as hard as it can to crush small business innovation, The Chinese plow ahead in USA.  Today they announced they will enter the USA market for crowdsourced rider-sharing.
China's version of Uber, the web-based minicab service, is planning to go after Chinese customers, especially travelers, in New York and San Francisco with Mandarin-speaking drivers. — China's largest mobile-phone car-sharing service with a fleet of close to 50,000 vehicles and more than 2 million active users — plans to expand service from 57 cities to 150 by 2015, Zhou Hang, CEO and founder, told Bloomberg News. And New York City and San Francisco will be part of that expansion, he said.
Ridesharing is huge in China due to the relative freedom people have in China.  And entrepreneurs worldwide flee the chaos of the democracies to thrive in the relative anarchy of China.  Far more western innovation and small business development is happening in China than anywhere in the West, easily perceived by the progress China has made over the last two decades.  And then throw in Hong Kong, and wow.

Here in the USA it is a double challenge: the official, stated policy of "get big or get out" which leads to active acts of destruction of small business by government agencies. It is chaos for Seattle rideshare companies to be first face new laws designed to destroy them, and then later to find laws that they can live with.  What intervened?  Most likely, payola.    Seattle is particularly bad, and a great candidate for truth commissions.

Or just create a Hong Kong here in USA for those of us who can be free.

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