Wednesday, June 18, 2014

China and Immigration

China has massive illegal immigration as well.

Only about 849,000 foreigners are staying in China legally, according to the 2014 Report on Chinese International Migration published by Wang's organization earlier this year.
Wang said the current migration policy discourages foreign talent from coming to study or work in China, adding that the country has only issued about 5,000 "green cards" to foreign applicants in the past 10 years since the permanent residency policy was introduced in 2003.

But how come China is not so worried about it?  Why no existential crisis, careers in the balance, vitriol and hatred, why is it not a problem.  The Chinese response is downright laconic:

China regards a skilled immigration policy as a strategic requirement for its development, he said.
The policy on skilled immigration will be designed to include a list of most-needed occupations to reflect the country's long-term and short-term needs, he added.
A points-based system can help to assess the eligibility of applicants in terms of their knowledge, skills, adaptability and contributions to the country, he added.

In other words, they'll get around to it.  But they see all this immigration as a good thing.

How come?  What is the big difference that China can be ho-hum about massive illegal immigration, and the USA it is such a controversy?  There is one element that is different:  In USA we offer welfare, in China they do not.  There is the difference.

Instantly people will either agree with me or object, and you'd both be wrong.  Let me explain:

I've picked apples with Mexican illegals, and met plenty of others all over this country.  There is not a single one of them who came to USA for the welfare.  They came here to work.  The welfare is money that has attracted the criminal element, because people who tend to welfare also tend to drugs, and welfare money is the heart of the drug trafficking world.

Welfare is pressed upon illegals, many who then take this "also" money and transmit it to Mexico, which helps keep Mexico docile.  This is not unintended.

No one illegally immigrates to China to exploit Chinese welfare system, either.  Sure China has a "welfare system" too, but it is, ahem, not very attractive.  China is far more reliant on mediating institutions, not state welfare to survive (except for party members, just like in USA).

Once illegally ensconced in China, there is no welfare system to exploit or burden, one must get to work.  So China has the policy USA needs, and that is no welfare and open borders.

But millions will starve in USA!  No, no one will starve, if we cut the welfare taxes collected to zero, and the Churches can get busy restoring their traditional role of a good word with a good meal or hospital stay.

Now here is another thing going on in China:
The country faces an imbalance in talent flow, as 9.34 million Chinese have migrated, including a considerable number of well-educated and skilled workers.
If China is so wonderful, why do some insiders clear out?  We have the same thing in USA.  If you are a well connected, elite member of society, you cannot break the rules without a risk of getting caught.  If you are a native, on the low level, you can expect the law to be harsh.  In both the USA and China, there is selective enforcement of rules against immigrants.  Especially at the small business level, the rules are so destructive it is almost necessary to be a immigrant to fly under the radar and build something good.

We need to change all this.  End welfare as we know it, roll back the crazy rent-seeking rules and regs, open the borders, and let USA get back to work.  And bring the troops home.

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