Thursday, June 5, 2014

Quality Control In China

The task given to regulators in USA is pure theatre, they simply cannot perform that with which they are charged, and when politics is thrown in, forget about it.  This has lead to the relentless failures in food and medicine quality in USA.  People who believe effective inspection is taking place have their faculties of defense atrophy.  Happily there is the chef and the pharmacist, who are necessary and almost sufficient to the task.  Free market insurance companies would fulfill safety requirements.

In China there are no illusions about QC.  So free market QC firms emerge.  At very reasonable rates, paid by the merchants themselves, QC is effected.
We, here at V-Trust, hope that through our inspection services, through every defect we find and correct, by our day-to-day reliability, fairness and hard work, we can attract the attention of manufacturers, buyers and sellers of quality products and make "Made in China" mean "Well Made in China". 
Nose around the site,  See some of the big names that employ their services.  In USA, those firms own the regulators and inspectors, in spite of the fact that you and I are taxed to pay for the street theatre inspections.  If these firms, and mine, can pay for our own QC, then why do we in USA insist on expensive theatre in which we don't even get to watch the show?

Clearly, these companies are happy to pay for their own inspections themselves.

Anticipating cries of "China quality is horrible" I say look through those companies listed, and tell me one that has had a QC problem with its Chinese products in USA.  Then compare that with their USA domestic production.  I think that would be a fine MBA thesis.  Private QC moved "Made in China" from a warning label to mean "Well Made..."

Chinese quality problems are largely a myth in USA.  We love to point fingers at others, when we have our own problems to solve.  Maybe we can learn from China.

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