Saturday, August 9, 2014

Forbes Sells Out To Hong Kong

In the August 18 issue of Forbes, Steve announces he has sold a majority interest in the Publisher boutique to a Hong Kong outfit called Integrated Whale Media.

I looked and looked for the word billions on the cover, but the topic is millenails, so the word was trillions.  The issue is devoted to young people and managing the gains from usury.  Apparently no sense of irony.  The magazine devoted to getting rich has to sell out to usurers, becuase of usury.

He highlights the great growth in the magazine subscriptions.  I am a subscriber, because it cost me something like $5 for a year.    That will end.  so will my subscription.

Aside for "yay, usury" in this issue, buried in the back, page 108, is a gem.  Grace Choi has introduced Mink, a 3D printer that produces customized make-up at home.

Skin care is one of the most complex medicines, but make-up is not medicine.  The day when your doctor can create a medicine for you, and you just print it out, are here, for those who want it.  But we have to get rid of the FDA and all of the other gatekeepers.

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TraferMike said...

Regarding doctors' ability to print out medicine. In reality the implementation of this technology should not be far off as doctors have already performed succesful surgery through real-time video using robotics thousands of miles away from the patient. Of course, as mentioned the gatekeepers such as pharamcist interest groups and the FDA are indeed formidable obstacles.