Saturday, August 9, 2014

Our Ebola Patent

We USA citizens are the proud owners of an Ebola patent.  Do you suppose there is any connection between the ebola crisis and you and I owning a patent on the Ebola virus?

Robert Wenzel connects the dots.  (Do you suppose the "crazy nurse" mentioned in the article is actually the only sane person?)

In the USA, when the Center For Disease Control (and its predecessor) gets caught running cruel, harmful and criminal human trails, no one goes to jail.  Perhaps it is because these programs target people of African ancestry.

Because we have no means of throwing bad actors out of office, nor are there any sanctions for criminal acts among politicians and government workers, people feel free to "do it again."  This time we can just do it in Africa.

OK, no need to send people to prison, for crimes against humanity, but at least have truth commissions as to what really goes on, so when we are chanting U S A  U S A  U S A we all know we mean "Ebola Patent"...

On the one hand we have no limits on any wild idea because we can always lend credit at usury...  but the problem is we have no idea when our creditors say "enough" and our walls come tumbling down.

When God destroyed the earth by a flood, His specified reason was the widespread violence on earth.  Read it yourself...  (And to make it even more fun,  humans were all vegetarians up to that point, like Hitler.)

When we in the USA answer for our work around the world, and do take a look...  Central America, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, various African countries, Afghanistan, and so on, we'll be able to show our Ebola patent as an example of our good work.

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